
There's an entire world that most people are unaware of. Babyloss. When your baby dies, you are thrust into this world of heartbreak and confusion, though shocked and unprepared.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of women arrive at the hospital ready to go home with a new babe in their arms and are full of delight and expectation. Instead, they must leave with empty, aching arms and a broken heart.

I am one of those moms. On March 16th, 2010, I showed up at Rex Birthing Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, to deliver my full term daughter, Lily Katherine. I had a healthy pregnancy and had no reason to believe that when I got to Rex that gloomy day, my doctor would find that my baby's heart had stopped beating.

During my time at the hospital with Lily, I wish I had known about certain resources, such as NILMDTS. People that have never lost a child before don't know about the decisions that must be made and the resources offered. 

Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them. But, when it does happen, Lily's Legacy is there to offer support and encouragement to heartbroken families. Lily's Legacy was created as an effort to keep the memory alive of my precious daughter of Heaven, Lily Katherine. It is my hope and prayer that these boxes will bring healing, hope, and peace to families that must leave the hospital with empty arms, broken hearts, and shattered dreams.

Blessings and Hugs,
Hannah Rose Allen

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." ~James 1:17